Samantha Matalone Cook

Samantha Matalone Cook, MAT, is a history and humanities educator, writer, and maker. She has almost three decades of experience in education, program development, and the arts and has worked with both small and large organizations to create educational programming that centers and connects the learner to concepts and skills. She has taught in a variety of settings, from classrooms to private workshops, mentored other educators, founded and directed makerspaces, and worked for and with many museums.

Samantha co-authored and illustrated the book Project-Based Learning: Creating a Modern Education of Curiosity, Innovation, and Impact and the book study What is Magic?, both published by SEA Publishing. She is also a historian and writer for Pandia Press. Her new curriculum, History Compass: A Guide to Historical Thinking, Research, and Writing will be available in the summer of 2022. She is now working on History Odyssey I: The Ancient World, which is the first in a series of global-focused, multidisciplinary history curriculum for late middle school and high school learners. 

When she isn’t writing or illustrating, she finds new adventures and manages mischief every day with her three teens, all home educated; the two oldest of whom have fledged into college.

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Author Specific Reviews

My overall impression of Microbiology is that I am excited to do this with Jack (we’re planning on doing Bio 2 next year, and I anticipate that we might follow that course with this one) and that this is yet another well-written course that is wholly accessible to a wide audience, fun, relevant, and informative. There is a perfect balance, in my view, of humor and data, striking the right tone with the intended audience to promote engaged learning. I’m sure you are already aware of this, but I just want to express that I feel you are a gifted author who is particularly skilled in this manner of communicating complex ideas to a young audience, and it was a pleasure to edit this course. M D.

Blair H Lee, MS

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